J environ monit impact factor
J environ monit impact factor

j environ monit impact factor j environ monit impact factor

Contamination factor (CF) is employed to evaluate the level of soil contamination and to infer anthropogenic inputs from the natural one. Contamination indices also help in the understanding of ecological status. Statistical analysis is a useful tool for assessing the possible sources of pollutants because it allows for consideration of cause-and-effect relationships, highlighting exceedances. Many researchers used statistical analyses as powerful tools in geo-environmental studies (Zhang et al. The presence of such metals in the food chain can cause an adverse impact on human beings (Karim et al. 2017 pointed out the accumulation of trace elements in the food chain (Egyptian clover) in Sohag. Unfortunately, many researchers recorded soil pollution with trace elements in many parts of Egypt: Aswan (Darwish and Pöllmann 2015), Assiut (Asmoay 2017), Helwan (Said 2015), Kafr El-Sheikh (Naggar et al. Understanding the pollutant’s sources and distributions is among the most critical concerns for environmental management and decision-making (Sun et al. Pedogenic metals are of lithogenic and anthropogenic origin, but their distribution in soil profiles changes due to mineral transformation and other pedogenic processes (Kobierski and Dabkowska-Naskret 2012). The elements that come from anthropogenic sources are generally more bioavailable than pedogenic and lithogenic ones (Kabata-Pendias 1993 and Kobierski and Dabkowska-Naskret 2012). Pollution occurs when an element quantity excess its background concentrations (Kabata-Pendias 2010). The natural and anthropogenic inputs enrich the soil with trace elements. Trace element contamination has received considerable attention due to their negative impact on the human health and environment (Adriano 2001). Consequently, the recommendation is periodic environmental monitoring and minimizing the fertilization rate. Mn is mainly of natural origin, affected by pedogenic factor, whereas traffic emissions and phosphate fertilizer, as well as domestic activities, are relevant sources of Co, Ni, and Pb elements in the studied soil. The statistical analyses assisted in the discrimination of natural and anthropogenic sources of trace elements in the investigated soil samples. The statistical analyses indicated the anthropogenic source of Co, Ni, and Pb as well as the natural source of Mn. The studied soil ranged from uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with the studied trace elements based on the contamination factor index. The statistical techniques were applied to discriminate the sources of these elements. Sixteen samples of the agricultural soil (0–30-cm depth) were collected to investigate the pollution of soil with trace elements (Co, Ni, Pb, and Mn). Gerga district contains different activities, urban, agriculture, and industry, which can impact adversely on the soil quality.

J environ monit impact factor